YouTube Monetization Rules Have Changed

One thing is certain > rules change. But we believe in keeping clients and our readership up to date on news and trends for great On Demand Marketing. And all about Youtube and YouTube Kids App.

Here is a quick update about how you can get paid on YouTube.

YouTube Monetization Rules Have Changed

YouTube has updated how it is paying it’s content creators - like you and me. Our on demand marketing includes keeping clients in the loop on new rules and social media changes. Including that 24-7 way that you diversify income using youTube.

So a quick little update on some YouTube monetization rules that have changed, we see in full effect and are getting enforced. The roll out of the policy update was in January of 2018 and again in 2020. The full rollout has taken effect already.

YouTube Monetization Update Included the following rules // 

New requirements for monetization: 

  • As of January, 2018 —>

  • Enroll in the YouTube Partner Program

  • Your channel has 4,000 hours of watch time within the past 12 months 

  • 1,000 subscribers (real ones*)

  • Existing account holders will be reevaluated

  • New channels will need to apply, and their application will be evaluated when they hit these milestones

You are an expert in making great videos.

Let us help you increase youtube watch hours, get more subscribers, appear in suggested videos, and so much more . . .


Dont have time to read the blog - then watch the youtube tutorials instead.

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These new YouTube monetization rules that have changed in 2019 to:

  • improve ability to identify creators who contribute positively to the community 

  • tackle the potential abuse of a large, but disparate, group of smaller channels

  • help drive more ad revenue to them (and away from bad actors)

  • higher standards will also help prevent potentially inappropriate videos from monetizing which can hurt revenue for everyone.

What’s the work around in YOUTUBE?

How To Make Money on YouTUBE :

There is only one work around to quick money making youtube strategy, keep creating great content. And get more views . . .

Getting paid in youtube requires:

Fully optimize your titles, description and tags to make the content searchable. That means adding in those important search terms called keywords.

A proper video title will help encourage you appear in search results and get more views. In this article we wrote a little bit more about YouTube and Search Optimization.

If you want to:

Share videos on kids YouTube or upload video to youtube kids - these video optimization tips will help with that.

Don’t plan to be an expert in this … just yet.

We “program websites” so the internet can find you - we have expanded that specialty to youtube channels. Let us help you do it right. We can train DIY youtuber’s OR run your YouTube channel video marketing.

Want to know about how to get your video content on YouTube Kids, and really get the paid monetizing content rolling in?

YouTube is the second largest search engine behind google. So yes, keep your content streaming!



Here is a lot more blog posts about youtube marketing.

  1. Get great youtube channel marketing services - they are right here!

  2. There is the explainer post about How to submit to YouTubeKids with Great Content.

  3. We have a quick article from youtube to the entire list of youtube kids programming guidelines, and how to “Get Your Video on YouTube Kids with BEST OF TIPS for video search optimization.“

  4. A little bit more about “Youtube video eligibility for YouTube Kids” and any channel is here.

  5. Also, a bonus post about How youtube Monetization Guidelines have changed. (Its why many people are on youtube, right? TOO Make $ome Moolah.

  6. What is COPAA and why should I care? COPPA Regulations and Youtube Kids App - Not a Huge Problem

YouTube Monetization Rules Have Changed

A Little Bit More Insights . . .

We hope these tips help you get started with youtube kids.


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*DISCLOSURE: NO GUARANTEE’s*. A little disclosure here, there are no guarantees that you can get your content on YouTube kids. Following our You tube Kids video content publishing tips here in these articles, or even following the youtube guide DOES NOT GUARANTEE your specific content will appear on the YouTube Kids App.

Joanne Klee

We make marketing easy.