Joanne Klee Marketing Credits the Partners We Love — Joanne Klee Marketing

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To Starbucks → Thanks for those vanilla, soy, extra shot lattes, which keep my brain functioning through long projects. Straight expresso's (or summer time iced Americano's) are a must. (Maybe this is why I can’t sleep?)

Thank you to my husband → William R. Klee who is the ultimate supporter and the best teacher on calm, sensible, diplomacy + keeping my salty flare. I appreciate your patience in the early years of building this business (but I think we are even because I helped you channel your “inner daddy”). The kids and I can’t be at our best without you! Besitos.

Thanks Mom → for being my 'spirit guide' in business and all those years of rules to follow + etiquette training. Thank you for wiping my nose, my bottom and my tears. For tying my shoe laces and tying up loose ends, but mostly for reminding me it's okay to be me. 



Thank You Netflix for being there for me when I can’t sleep or when I need to “Turn Off” the creativity. (Please people, a girl needs occasional binge watching.)

Okay, thank you Amazon Prime too! It’s not binge watching all the time, I appreciate the music that keeps streaming & keeps me going. A little known marketing secret is how you help with trendy 'pop culture research' also known as 'shopping.' Thanks for making the work fun. 

Thanks to Chicago Public Libraries for being a never-ending source of research materials and data driven touch points. Can we talk about your hours?

Thanks to Nancy Valladolid Photography for the welcome page chi-town image. You captured the essence of what we natives love in our City of Chicago.

To Maribel Lopez at Vision Starts: Thank You for the advice on the website look + feel on point + professional. I’m addicted to your flare for design and style.



To my little, amazing, funny and outgoing tribe. A, M, and I, your kisses and hugs get me thru the day (so does your nagging “what are we doing today," when is the next trip happening?”) Your continued patience while Mom works and expands her business, I owe you tons.

To my pets, for all those times I forgot to walk you, feed you, or close the lid …. thanks for understanding! 

The content development and copywriting for was written by Joanne Klée. For more samples of the work, and writing for a variety of industries you can see her portfolio + learn about our custom content process.

See the Insight Blog where Joanne hosts a variety of marketing related industry articles she authored.

Joanne’s marketing interview is here.



When not creating for business, Joanne is doing, what else, but researching and creating fun activities for her family. As the at home Family Manager (a.k.a. Minister of the Interior) she is always innovating ways to stay very busy with her brood of three outgoing kids + her husband. Together they enjoy weekend excursions and regular road trips where the family is creating + collecting + exploring out of the way spaces. Our family is always in nature or on the lakefront, sticking our toes in the sand. (Yes, Chicago has REAL beaches with sand! See more of our amazing lakefront here.)

For the truly demanding, if you are interested in some of Joanne's inspirations and personal projects, the collection of ideas on almighty Pinterest is a collection of creative ideas galore! Pinterest also holds posts of “My Creations Handmade” and “My Joanne Klee Marketing” history.

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