As many of you know — back in my mommy days — I was spending a lot of creative time with the kids. The creativity was overflowing because finally, all these years later, we are making a video of our original song - and you can be in it!
My stay-at-home-mom (formerly “Family Manager” days) were spent feeding the kids gour-mommy-met meals. My at home chef moments (or short order cook as most mommy’s are) included songs and rhymes. I had to keep the kids entertained in their high chair as they waited for the pancakes to be made. Along the way, over the days, months, and years - - - I wrote a little diddy.
Today, that kids song is being produced into a video, called “I wanna have some pancakes with you.”
UPDATE - #ThePancakeSong is live on youtube! Watch it now.
The Pancake Song For Kids - Pancakes With You 🍳Mr. Ryan's Music - lyrics by Joanne Klee
Special thanks to our friend Mr. Ryans Music show for arranging this song and the special music video.
Original Song Lyrics and Melody by Joanne Klee.
And what’s super special . . . this song went live the night before my oldest sons 16th birthday. He loved pancakes and the song was inspired by him, singing in the kitchen with mommy, while I prepped his meals.
It’s a special day for us here - enjoy the video!
You Can Be in a Youtube Video
During my time with the kids we ate lots and lots of pancakes. As as they sat in their high chair and nibbled on the bananas, strawberries or blueberries - I would hum a little song. . . which soon had some lyrics.
Enjoy the sound of the song I wrote ”I wanna have some Pancakes” song - and you can be in the YOUTUBE Video. Join Us!!
Keep scrolling - how to submit you video is below.
My youtube kids client and kids artist, singer, song writer, extraordinaire fellow - Mr Ryan of Mr. Ryan’s music show - an exceptionally well optimized youtube channel - heard my story and asked me to send over a iPhone voice memo of the Pancake Song. I worked up the courage to sing (cough cough) and sent the melody in my best G chord, and lyrics over.
The rest is in the making . . .
While we can’t guarantee stardom, we can say we’re planning a really cute video featuring the smiling faces of you, friends and family along with your adorable kids.
If you ever wanted to be in a youtube video —> here is your chance to join us.
WHAT: Pancake song - Video Submissions
We excited about producing his song and had to share it with fans. Making a fun video collage of videos of your family cooking and eating pancakes will make the video so special.
Deadline is June 14, 2021. See end of this post on how to submit.
WHERE: Listen to the “I wanna have some Pancakes with you” song to get some ideas and feel for the upcoming video.
The link to listen - click the MUSIC Box below.
Final Video Selections:
We will be using clips from multiple families —> so record your pancake fun and send it in … this video will be a collage of everyone’s work.
IDEAS! We want your Pancake Video Clips and Pics!
Cook pancakes: Take video of you guys making the batter and getting everything ready.
Griddle shots: Take some footage “B Roll” of Mom, Dad, or kids pouring pancakes into the griddle (use caution adults at home!) and flipping the pancakes. The song does focus on the Mom cooking, so if you want to stick with that narrative you can. Footage or images of everyone cooking will be used as well. Grandma, grandpa and neighbors too!
Maybe make a family specialty pancake/ blueberries/ chocolate/ food coloring. Surprise us!
Most important are the eating shots (especially the kids). Take fun video of your kids chowing down on the pancakes and enjoying the breakfast madness!!
HOW: Video Submission Specifics:
All shots can be taken on iPhone or another device.
Please make sure you are shooting the video horizontal.
Once you shoot all videos you can upload them on your computer and send them to us via Wetransfer or dropbox.
Email to or
DEADLINE: We will need to submissions latest June 14, 2021
Want to be in a Kids video? the Pancake IS HERE, and You can be in the YOUTUBE Video.
Join Us!
SPECIAL Pan-Thanks!
Special Thanks to Mr Ryan of Mr Ryan’s music for your inspiration to help me dust off this song. “Everyone can sing.” (Music and TV show producers - pay attention to this great kids video show content).
Song Title: The Pancake Song (a.k.a. I wanna have some pancakes)
Lyrics and Mellody by: Joanne Klee
Composing and Performance by: Mr Ryan’s Music
Thanks to my kids A, M, and I - without you and your inspiration this would not be possible. So super fans see our youtube channel AMI Studios Chicago here. Expect dolls videos, kids songs tik toks, school work, pandemic playdates and mom & dad being silly.
Want to be in a Kids video?
The Pancake Song IS HERE, and You can be in the YOUTUBE Video.
Join Us
Things of note: The only FAT $tacks are the edible kind!
Because we are not attorneys, but we have friends who are - they told us to say “submission does not guarantee use in the final video production. Creators reserve the right to limit number of entries in the final content being produced. By submitting your videos or photos you are aware and agreeing to your image and images of those of adults and children in the submissions being used in a video that will be publicly displayed - on youtube or other publicly hosted platform. Once the final video is posted on the internet - it will always be available online. No payment is being made to participants for submissions or performance. Its pure fun and getting to appear in a online video.“
Show us your yummy pancakes stack. Submit your videos now. Special Thanks for the photo from Brigitte Tohm.
Thanks! We appreciate you giving this a read. Share it with friends.
Learn more about Youtube Channel Marketing and Youtube Kids.
Here is a lot more blog posts about youtube marketing.
Get great youtube channel marketing services - they are right here!
There is the explainer post about How to submit to YouTubeKids with Great Content.
We have a quick article from youtube to the entire list of youtube kids programming guidelines, and how to “Get Your Video on YouTube Kids with BEST OF TIPS for video search optimization.“
A little bit more about “Youtube video eligibility for YouTube Kids” and any channel is here.
Also, a bonus post about How youtube Monetization Guidelines have changed. (Its why many people are on youtube, right? TOO Make $ome Moolah.
What is COPAA and why should I care? COPPA Regulations and Youtube Kids App - Not a Huge Problem
We hope these tips help you get started with youtube kids.
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*DISCLOSURE: NO GUARANTEE’s*. A little disclosure here, there are no guarantees that you can get your content on YouTube kids. Following our You tube Kids video content publishing tips here in these articles, or even following the youtube guide DOES NOT GUARANTEE your specific content will appear on the YouTube Kids App.