An Interview with Joanne Klee Marketing, Owner
“Marketing IS as exciting as everyone thinks it is. It is also exhausting.””
Question: What Do You Love Most About Your Job?
Answer: Marketing IS as exciting as everyone thinks it is. It is also exhausting.
But I know I landed here in the creative world of marketing because it lets me use my skills and talents naturally.
Being creative, writing comes naturally. That is the short answer, but let me say this.
Your Inner Artist will Spark Marketing. As owner of Joanne Klee Marketing (Chicago) I get to merge my creative soul with, well . . . data. Because I’m a bit of a geek. That fits into the definition of being a marketing guru, doesn’t it? There are always new designs to create, design tools to use, and ideas to come up with. But creating visually appealing content also requires looking at that same art 100x.
Managing the project checklist takes commitment. I learned quickly that my attention to detail let's me push forward each new view of the same design.
Writing Never Goes Out Of Style. Even with the Apple iPhone and Android boom, where everyone has a computer in their pocket, we are all still reading. So let’s craft genuine content that engages people and can work wonders for your business. Coming up with messages that align with our clients business brand is rewarding and fun! I love writing, and now I have an excuse to do it everyday. My marketing becomes an effortless process I just love to do.
“Even with the tech boom, where everyone has a computer in their pocket, we are all still reading. So lets craft genuine content that engages people and can work wonders for your business.””
Questions: What Inspired You To Start Your Own Business?
Answer: Back in my small business banking days, we would call on clients and sometimes my colleagues would bring me “the marketing manager” on the call.
Business owners loved to chat about their brands and how they were growing. In 2000 or so, I was visiting small business owner to feature them in a corporate banking “testimonial advertising” campaign. After chatting about the project, I asked to tour the owners facility. During that tour the owner was asking for some "free marketing advice." They couldn’t afford to keep a full-time marketer on staff. There was a need for on demand marketing.
“You have to work with businesses the way they want to.” ”
I loved working with a variety of businesses. That’s when I started noticing the trend. There were plenty of niche marketing project freelancers, and big marketing agencies (with teams that could work on the project alongside a hefty fee), but no one firm could provide affordable one-stop-solutions. You have to work with businesses the way they want to. I remember some of the advertising agencies we interviewed wanted to pigeon hole us into their service model. That just didn’t work.
Question: Why Should Clients Choose You?
Answer: Because We’re Daring. It’s daring to say that our firm, Joanne Klee Marketing, can provide on demand marketing - but that’s what we do.
We take a look at your particular business needs, where you are at in the business cycle, and talk about what makes the most sense to grow your business. We do not provide canned marketing strategy. Every marketing plan we make is customized for the individual client.
Our Purpose is to Deliver WOW! The original idea was to create a firm of marketing experts who could service business owners. Over the years the firm has evolved, but we never lost sight of our customer. Everything we do is centered on the fundamental goal of getting you customers and the best business marketing solutions.
Question: What Should Most Marketers Understand About Their Role Today?
Answer: Numbers Don’t Lie. Great marketers love data! In any aspect of marketing today, analytics are easy to access. The best marketing decisions and most successful campaigns use data. Data to measure results, sure, but data ties into the creative process too.
Data gives us the insight into how to structure your strategy. For example, the analytical data can determine which business segment (mini target audience) to focus on during a particular stretch of time, that audience persona will drive the creative.
Analytics results can also justify your marketing budget or project to the boss. If it is clear that your business is reaching consumers with a particular investment, its worthwhile to continue it.
Question: What Else Makes a Great Marketer?
Answer: You need to Like People! Marketing is about reaching audiences and connecting with consumers. Understanding buying decisions and human psychology helps drive marketing strategy. I get to work alongside creative people every day. And because I am a geek (see that last part) I get to learn from my fellow creative souls.
As an on demand marketer I have to have a flexible approach to work with the dynamic teams my clients have. We get to work together to generate marketing ideas and make long time connections. Collaboration with you and your co-workers is an essential part of what I do.
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